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[E] ShadowBandit97
[E] ShadowBandit97
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over 11 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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Yes, i'm always signed into Minetown but i'm not getting points plz help
over 8 years ago
I have my character linked but i won't get any points <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
over 8 years ago
Uhh, Forget it, I found a boat and sailed to Main. Wasn't like i was using an outdated minecraft client *clears throat awkwardly*
over 8 years ago
I've been playing on the new main server for about 2 weeks but when i got on today, i was in Agharta. I don't know how to get out and all my money is gone. Please send help!
over 8 years ago
IDEAS: PVP ON: Like out in the wilderness when adventuring, PVP is on like in the Nether or End, Making travel and adventuring more difficult and immersive making other players potential threats as well as mobs. But when entering a well established town PVP is turned off so no fighting can occur within town limits. Towns/Nations: When Aghartha was established, this was a feature that would have been implemented but was cut, This Feature would have given players incentive to join and become a useful and well established member of the community or go out on their own and try to establish their own town having to be attentive to its people and run it efficiently. If a Town is well established, They get recognized as such and is given a warp, pvp is off within its borders, and NPC'S are added as quest givers or parts of quests. Towns near each other can decide to merge to become a nation and have a capital and all that. Quests: This would make the server into a RPG sort of game, Giving the player motivation to adventure, fight mobs, find special ores, ect. Quest Givers would be in towns, spawn area, or faction HQ. Factions: Separate from towns, Players can join factions and complete special faction related quests to gain special loot (Ex: Hunter Faction needs to hunt certain amount of animals or something) and rise through the ranks or submit a request to create their own faction with an outline of the faction's theme and quests Just Ideas
over 9 years ago